Thursday, October 30, 2008

Tag! your it!

As a Child didn't you just love to play games?One of my personal favorites was Tag. I'm a big kid now,and so heres a version for adults to play! Just follow the instructions in the pic and you are good to go!.

Laura tagged me,check out her blog sometime she's the greatest sis.

7 facts:

1. I LIKE wearing mismatching socks,yes LIKE.

2.Every time I hear piano music,I imagine I am the one playing it.

3.If someone hadn't given me a calender for christmas i would still have the calender from three years ago up.right now its not even on this month.

4. I save every scrap of paper that has a note,drawing, or anything of any kind to me.

5.I some times say mean things as a joke without realizing it.(I'm working on changing that)

6.I collect HOW TO books and rarely read them unless necessary.

7.I'm in love with music...but thats well known.

Im now going to tag one person the only person i know of who hasnt been!

Steven : a friend i met this year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I tagged you but obviously you've already done it.